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Rtl8139 Linux Driver For Mac

Mainline Kernel driver. The EMAC driver can be found under 'Ethernet driver support', 'Allwinner devices', 'Allwinner A10 EMAC support'. It was merged for kernel 3.11. Allwinner's A20, A31/A31s and the A80 contain a MAC unit called GMAC ('Gigabit MAC').

  1. Linux Device Driver
  2. Rtl8139 Linux Driver For Mac Windows 10
  1. Realtek RTL8139 C+ Fast Ethernet NIC Free Driver Download for Windows 2003, XP, 2000, NT4, ME, 98SE, 98, 95, Mac OSX, Mac OS, Linux - 8139d.zip (561996). World's most popular driver download site.
  2. Writing Network Device Drivers for Linux. By Mohan Lal Jangir. This article has been written for kernel newcomers interested in learning about network device drivers. It assumes that reader has a significant exposure to C and the Linux environment. This article is based on a network driver for the RealTek 8139 network card.

Contents. Drivers r8712u, r8192ee, r8188eu, r8723au, rtl8192ce, rtl8192cu, rtl8192de, rtl8188ee, rtl8192e, rtl8192se, rtl8192u, rtl8723ae, rtl8723be and rtl8821ae are drivers for Realtek 802.11n wireless LAN chips, included in the mainline Linux kernel. The produced kernel modules are:. r8192epci (formerly r8192pci). Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8192E chipset (RTL8191SE/RTL8192SE not supported).

r8192uusb. Supports USB devices based on the RTL8192U chipset. r8712u. Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188SU, RTL8191SU and RTL8192SU chips.

rtl8192ce. Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8188CE and RTL8192CE chips. rtl8192cu.

Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188CUS and RTL8192CU chips. rtl8192se. Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8191SE and RTL8192SE chips.

rtl8192de. Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8188DE and RTL8192DE chips. rtl8723ae. Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8723AE chip. Introduced at Linux 3.8. rtl8188ee.

Linux Device Driver

Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8188EE chip. Introduced at Linux 3.10.

rtl8723be. Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8723BE chip. Introduced at Linux 3.15. rtl8821ae. Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8812AE and RTL8821AE chips. Introduced at Linux 3.16.

r8192ee. Supports PCI-E devices based on the RTL8192EE chip. Introduced at Linux 3.16.

Rtl8139 Linux Driver For Mac Windows 10

r8188eu. Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188EU and RTL8188ETV chips. Introduced at Linux 3.12. r8723au.

Supports USB devices based on the RTL8723AU chip. Introduced at Linux 3.15. Non-free firmware is required for all drivers, which can be provided by installing the package. RTL8192U firmware is currently not packaged. R8192ee, r8723au, rtl8192e, rtl8192u and rtl8821ae are only available for the x86 and x86-64 architectures (Debian and ports respectively) at this time. Realtek 802.11b/g devices are supported.

Installation Debian 8 'Jessie' This release supports Realtek RTL8188CE, RTL8188CUS, RTL8188DE, RTL8188EE, RTL8188ETV, RTL8188EU, RTL8188SU, RTL8191SE, RTL8191SU, RTL8192CE, RTL8192CU, RTL8192DE, RTL8192E, RTL8192EE, RTL8192SE, RTL8192SU, RTL8192U, RTL8723AE, RTL8723AU, RTL8723BE, RTL8812AE and RTL8821AE-based devices.